
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Displayed At Local Quilt Shop

I'm not accustomed to seeing my own quilts displayed anywhere except in my home so I was very excited to see them hanging at our local quilt shop.  I will be teaching a handful of classes from January through April, and these are samples for a couple of the upcoming classes.

The quilt above is my own design that I'm calling Concentric Illusion.  It is 70" x 70".  The walls at the shop are VERY tall.

Closer view....

The second quilt is called Mesmerize and will be nice for new quilters.  I didn't design it of course so students will need to purchase this pattern.

I also have a set of placemats on display for another class using a published pattern called Take Four.   I didn't take a picture of them. :)

Currently I'm hard at work trying to complete a new design of my own using the Learning Curve Ruler that I'm calling Serene Garden for a fourth class to be offered.  Once I have the quilt put together I'll share it with you.  The open house, meet the teachers/sign up for classes day will be in early January so I've got a deadline. The holidays have made it difficult to keep up with all I need to finish.

Last but not least, I've also designed a block of the month that will be demonstrated the first Saturday of each month beginning in February.  I think I will call it the Saturday Sawtooth Sampler since all the blocks will be a different variation of the sawtooth block.

Have you ever heard the saying "the faster I go, the behinder I get"?  Well, that's exactly how I'm feeling right now.

Thankfully we did get our little Christmas tree put up last week.  Here are a few pictures of my youngest and her best friend (her 11 year old Miniature Schnauzer) having fun posing....

Wishing you plenty of time to finish those Christmas gifts!  Some of mine are going to be late this year.  Some how I lost all track of time and December was here before I was ready.

Until next time....