Saturday, July 7, 2012

Waltzing Along

Things are starting to take shape.  Now I get to assemble all the 4-patch blocks.  Sewing all of these blocks together was a great project on a day when I needed to do laundry.  It is easy to stop and start when that dryer "buzzer" goes off and it's time to switch the washed laundry over to the dryer, or fold and hang the dried clothing.

Oh my goodness, just look at all those 4-patches needing cut apart and pressed.  Because these blocks are small (compared to the other day when I was ironing 44" long sewn strips), I decided to be lazy and sit at the kitchen table ironing while I watched my all time favorite soap opera.....drum roll please....The Young and The Restless!  Yes, I know....shame on me....but I've literally grown up on that show.  Every girl should be allowed one shameful habit....and this is mine!  Just remember, before you judge me too harshly....there are much worse habits than this!!! LOL

Yes, I admit it.....I actually plan out things to do each day between 12:30 - 1:30, just so I can sit and watch my favorite show and still feel like I'm not wasting time. :)  :) 

Isn't it cute?  :) :) 

The Young and the Restless is going off and I've finished pressing 130ish 4-patch blocks.  I'm happy!  Plus, the dryer "buzzed" again just as the music faded away after today's episode. LOL

Now that another load is in the washing machine....I think I'll do one more thing before putting away my sewing for the day....

I only need 36 - 3 1/2 blocks for the center squares....I'll finish this part up and then call it a day.  Today has been a good, productive day! :) :)

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